Empowered Embodiment


A 12-Week Inner Temple Journey to Reconnect with Body, Heart, Spirit and Your Sacred Self. 

Book a FREE Discovery Coaching Call  

Schedule a free one-hour call with me to explore the "Empowered Embodiment" program further and see if its the right fit for you based on your goals. 

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Do You Find Yourself:

  • Desiring to reconnect with yourself — with your body, heart and purpose. 
  • Stuck and uninspired, lacking motivation and not sure what to do next. 
  •  “Successful” in the traditional sense and yet feeling that you are meant for something greater and wondering if you are truly living your full potential and purpose. 
  • Interested in exploring various connective and spiritual tools and practices to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and to bring more meaning and depth into your life. 
  • Experiencing stress, anxiety, disconnection, overwhelm, negativity and wanting to shift these into feelings that serve and empower you. 
  • Longing to feel inspired, empowered, excited and enthusiastic about life and connected to something greater. 
  • On a hamster wheel of en endless to-do list. You want or need to slow down or get off and don’t know how. 
  • Chasing money, status and someone else’s dreams only to find you've lost yourself in all the busy-ness? That you've had been living out of connection with your heart’s desire, your soul’s calling and the bigger picture?

In today’s busy and digitized world, we've gotten lost in chasing money, career, likes and status, often losing connection to the whispers of our heart and soul’s desire in the process.


If this describes you and is resonating with you on a deep level, I see you and I feel you. The struggle is real and it’s how I felt too. It’s how I came into this work.


Are You Ready to Reconnect With Your Essence?

A Bit About My Journey


 I started hustling at a young age, working 2 jobs from 15 years old, putting myself through college while working, graduating top of my class and then climbing the corporate America ladder quickly. I had the things that were “supposed” to make me happy but I was unfulfilled and longing for something more. 

In all my doing and accomplishing I had hardened and became disconnected from my heart, my body, my feelings,my femininity. I prioritized career and accomplishment and lacked deep and nourishing relationships.In one word, I was disconnected. From myself, from others and from some greater meaning and purpose. 
I decided to take a sabbatical —a time for me to stop doing and just be. To practice the art of listening to and following my heart. To reconnect with my body.
I dove deep into self-discovery, exploration and spiritual arts. I focused on inner work and studied many healing and spiritual modalities with various healers, shamans and medicine carriers of all kinds all over the world.I explored embodiment, movement and dance, plant medicine, women’s work, shamanic studies, tantra, embodiment, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, authentic relating and more.
I began to feel the importance of getting back to the sacred, foundational, pure aspects of life that I had lost touch with in today’s modern and digitized world.I dove into fully feeling and honoring my emotions, authentic expression and vulnerability, breaking down the inner walls and protection I had built. 
I explored the mystical, the depths of my heart and the art of connection.
I found many beautiful guides, mentors, teachers, tools and practices.I felt myself coming into deeper alignment. 
From this place of deeper alignment I was able to get clear on what I want to experience and create in the world. I created a business that allows me to live and work from anywhere. I started to discover and share my gifts. I deepened my relationships.
I connected with my passion and mission which is to bring beauty, connection and expansion into the world through transformational experiences. I’ve developed deep personal practices and have found conscious connection — to self, others and something greater — to be a key in unlocking meaning and purpose.  
Today, I offer coaching, programs and live events to support others on their journey of reconnection.

Ready to Dive Deep Together?


Book a Free Discovery Call

Introducing... Empowered Embodiment: An Inner Temple Journey


This Embodied Empowerment program is designed to bring you into deeper connection with yourself -- your body, emotions, heart and purpose.


To return to the pure and simple aspects of life which contain ancient wisdom and medicine.


Back to Sacred foundations and themes include slowing down, the body as a temple, movement, breathwork, meditation and mindfulness, deep and sacred connection to self and source, living from the heart rather than the mind, time in and reverence for nature, creating beauty, ritual and ceremony in our lives, living with intention and purpose, and more.


What's In The Program: 

  • A private weekly coaching call with me where we will work around a particular topic or theme, discuss your goals and challenges in that area and create an action step for your growth in that particular area. You have my full attention, support and guidance throughout the coaching program — I’m there with you every step of the way to help navigate obstacles and celebrate your wins.


  • Each week you’ll receive a connective tool or practice to do in your own time to further integrate our coaching call and the weekly topic or theme. Some will be guided audio or videos that you can do as often as you like and others will be customized for you based on your goals. All are designed to help you connect more deeply with yourself and to develop habits and rituals  that serve and support you.


  • A playbook with reflective exercises for you to use throughout the course to journal your reflections, insights and progress.  Balanced reflection along the course will help with deeper integration of the ideas and practices and support you further in your journey.


  • Recordings of each session, if you desire. You may pick up something new or see things from a different perspective when revisiting the session. 


Unlike an online course which has no personalized or customized support or generalized life coaching that does not have a specific outcome, this program mixes powerful content and curriculum with personalized coaching for the deepest results and transformation. 

I spent tens of thousands of dollars on trainings, courses, travels, studies for the last decade. This program takes the best of what I have learned and experienced and distills it into a powerful and affordable program with 1:1 customized guidance and support. 

Client Testimonials

"I did a practice that Tanya sent me and I’m so, so grateful for it. I had been going through a very rough time and had been trying to shake off difficult emotions, but couldn’t. I did the meditation and honestly I have no words to express what I felt while doing it. I’ve never felt this connected and strong in a long, long time. It was the most beautiful and intimate meditation experience I’ve ever had. I had tears during the last dance because I finally felt so good after a long time.”

~ Prajnya Pai, Dubai

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"Working with Tanya has been a real delight. Over multiple sessions, we dove into different areas of my life where I felt stuck and was seeking clarity... and I’m really grateful that I reached out to her for support. I appreciate her gentle guidance and invitation to set some clear and achievable goals. Her incredible ability to be fully present with whatever was alive for me helped me relax and dive even deeper to see my blockages and things that no longer serve me. I’ve felt incredibly supported on the path of dismantling my limiting beliefs and finding new ways to surrender and embrace life FULLY!"

Kasia DesRocer Wieczorek, Seattle

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"Tanya is a kind-hearted coach who made me feel comfortable enough sharing with her right from the get go. She provides a safe space and takes an introspective approach. She asks relevant questions that allows you to reconsider the narrative you are telling yourself. She also empowers and inspires you to take practical steps towards making the changes that serve you and take action towards achieving your goals.

If you value self growth and results, I highly recommend Tanya as a coach and someone to have in your corner, offering guidance and support!"

~ Ellie, Israel

Book Your Discovery Coaching Call  Today