1:1 Private Coaching
An Inner Temple Journey to Reconnect with Body, Heart, Spirit and Your Sacred Self.

Book a Discovery Call Today
Schedule a complimentary one-hour call to explore if my 1:1 program is the right fit based on your goals.
Experience a deeper connection to yourself, in your relationships and to a higher purpose. Explore how to live from the heart, in touch with the wisdom of your body. Discover tools and practices to connect with your power and bring more aliveness and pleasure into your daily life.
Reconnect to that which is Sacred.
You Are Made For More Than a Busy, Disconnected Existence of Endless To-Do Lists and Non-Stop Hustle
Hell to the NO. You Are Meant for Magic, Deep Connection and an Intentional Life and Business Aligned to Your Soul’s Purpose and Heart’s Desire

I know what it's like to be "Successful" yet know there's something more . . .
Imagine Making These Sacred Shifts:
- From feeling stuck in your masculine and disconnected from your intuition and truth to connecting to your feminine with room for freedom and play.
- Getting off the hamster wheel and experiencing ease and flow that doesn't leave your exhausted, stressed and feeling you're not using your gifts and meeting your potential.
- Shifting from giving endlessly to others, wishing you could have more “me” time to feeling more pleasure, balance and alignment.
- No longer sacrificing relationships, your freedom and well-being, it's time to create a life vision that excites and inspires you.
- From chasing money, status and someone else’s dreams and losing yourself in the busy-ness to living in connection with your heart’s desire, soul’s calling and bigger picture.
- Tapping into the juiciness of life and experience more pleasure on the daily.
You Know That The Path to Live in Highest Alignment With Your Heart, Dreams and Excitement Is The One Worth Taking...
But, You’re Caught in the Hustle.
Are You Ready to Reconnect With Your Essence, Explore Your Feminine Power and Design Your Life and Business as Sacred?
Mariana Created a Soul-Aligned Vision . . .

Mariana Grace, Coach & Hypnotherapist
"When I decided to focus on growing my business and brand, Tanya helped me channel a vision for my soul-aligned business, identify the steps to bring it to life, and helped me uncover what was standing in the way of achieving my goals. What drew me to working with Tanya is her track record of successful business experiences as well as female leadership. She provides undivided attention, presence and guidance that helped me uncover important insights and inspired me to take action that has had huge impact in evolving my business and stepping even more into my leadership. Working with her, I feel inspired, supported and more clear on my next steps and on how I want to show up in the world."

Picture This As Your new Reality...
✓ Waking Up in the Morning Feeling Excited and Inspired by Your Life Vision and Connected to a Higher Purpose
✓ Having Sacred Connective Practices That Help Get You Into Your Best Vibe, Energy and Magnetic Mindset
✓ Doing Work that you Love Where You Share Your Greatest Gifts and Creative Expression, Feel in Flow, Work with Soulmate Clients and Are Rewarded Financially For Your Impact and Contributions
✓ Feeling Deeply Connected To Your Intuition, Following Your Highest Excitement and Making Decisions from the Heart
✓ Experiencing Greater Presence and Pleasure on the Daily
✓ Standing in Your Truth, Sharing Your Unique Expression and Showing Up Authentically With Passion and Confidence
✓ Developing a magnetic mindset to draw the right people and opportunities to you rather than pushing and forcing
I Get It, Dear One. I've Been There Too.
I started hustling at a young age, working two jobs from 15 years old, putting myself through college while working, graduating top of my class, climbing the corporate America ladder and starting my own business. I had the things that were “supposed” to make me happy but was unfulfilled and longing for something more.
In all my doing and accomplishing I had hardened and became disconnected from my heart, my body, my feelings and my femininity. I prioritized career and accomplishment and lacked deep and nourishing relationships. In one word, I was disconnected. From myself, from others and from some greater meaning and purpose.
I embarked on a deep inner journey to reconnect with myself and dove deep into self-discovery and spiritual arts. I explored the mystical, the depths of my heart and the art of connection.
Today, I’ve created a business with great intention built around my values that allows me to live and work from anywhere. I love to bridge the worlds of business & entrepreneurship with the mystical & spiritual and to help others do the same. To live an intentional life of passion, profit and purpose.
As an Inner Temple Guide and Coach, I love to lead women on a journey deep into themselves. To reconnect with their true essence and intentionally design their life and business as sacred. To bridge the worlds of the masculine and feminine and embody the true balance that allows you to take the gifts from both sides.
Ready to Dive Deep Together?
Back to Sacred 1:1 Coaching
An Inner Temple Journey
The Coaching Program for Women Who Want To Lead Life and Business With More Connection, Purpose, Freedom and Heart
Our work together will cover mind, body and spirit which is foundational for harmony and balance in life and business. It’s all about the magical mix of passion, purpose and profit. Everything in balance baby, including you.
I’ve got you, all of you!
Book A Complimentary Coaching Discovery Call
Here's How We'll Embark on This Powerful Inner Journey Together...
What's Included:
✓ Private 1:1 video coaching sessions with me with the option to record for playback and lifetime access. You have my full attention, support and guidance throughout the coaching program — I’m there with you every step of the way to help navigate obstacles and celebrate your wins.
✓ Weekly themes and topics around the pillars of magnetic mindset, embodiment and aligned action to explore AND plenty of flexibility and spaciousness to be present with whatever is there for you on a weekly basis.
✓ Custom-tailored tools, practices and resources for your growth to do in your own time to further integrate our coaching call and the weekly topic or theme. All are designed to help you connect more deeply with yourself and to develop habits and rituals that serve and support you.
✓ A safe, sacred space during sessions and throughout the program where ALL of you is welcome and you are free to explore and reconnect with all your expressions -- from the soft and tender to the wild and raw. A place to be deeply held, nourished, guided and supported throughout the process.

Kasia Removed Blockages & Limiting Beliefs

Kasia DesRocher, Facilitator
"Working with Tanya has been a delight. Over multiple sessions, we dove into different areas of my life where I felt stuck and needed clarity... and I’m really grateful that I reached out to her for support. I appreciate her gentle guidance and invitation to set some clear and achievable goals. Her incredible ability to be fully present with whatever was alive for me helped me relax and dive even deeper to see my blockages and things that no longer serve me. I’ve felt incredibly supported on the path of dismantling my limiting beliefs and finding new ways to surrender and embrace life FULLY!"

Just Imagine... Very Soon From Now...
You’re feeling connected, purposeful and balanced.
You’ve created a clear vision for yourself, your life and your business that has you jumping out of bed every morning feeling excited and inspired.
You're in alignment and taking inspired action toward your dreams.
Life Is Juicy Again!

✓ You wake up and fill your cup first by taking time for a sacred morning ritual that leaves you feeling connected, balanced and ready to meet the day in your best energy and vibe
✓ You love and honor your body as your temple and express love and gratitude when you pass a mirror
✓ You’ve consciously created a predictable spacious schedule - you can take a few hours off for a yoga session or a long lunch with friends without stressing or even looking at the phone
✓ You’re focused and efficient with your time - no more running around putting out last-minute fires (and if something does come up, you handle it with grace)
✓ You aren’t counting the days anymore til the weekend or holiday or feel the need to “escape” your daily life, because you love it!
✓ You have soul-mate clients and customers doing work that you LOVE and uses your greatest gifts and talents
✓ You follow your highest excitement -- you go for things when it’s a full YES and gracefully decline and say NO to things that aren’t in true alignment for you (without feeling guilty)
✓ You set the time that you end your working day and have family, fun or “me” time with full presence and enjoyment -- no more ending the day exhausted and cranky because you gave all day to others from an empty cup
✓ You go to sleep at night with a full heart and gratitude feeling lit up for what’s ahead!
"I've Never Felt This Connected"
Prajnya, Dubai
"I did a practice that Tanya sent me and I’m so, so grateful for it. I had been going through a very rough time and had been trying to shake off difficult emotions, but couldn’t. I did the meditation and honestly I have no words to express what I felt while doing it. I’ve never felt this connected and strong in a long, long time. It was the most beautiful and intimate meditation experience I’ve ever had. I had tears during the last dance because I finally felt so good after a long time."
Book Your Discovery Call Today
"I'm Crushing My Goals"

Suranga DaSilva, San Francisco
"Over the course of my sessions with Tanya I was able to work through a lot of blockages and unresolved feelings that had been holding me back. She helped me find clarity on what was not working in my life. With her guidance I was able to make adjustments to my routine that have had significant impacts on my well-being. Since working with Tanya I've become significantly more productive, have more energy, and am crushing my goals! If you're looking to grow, work through blocks, or cultivate a strong mindset, I'd highly recommend working with Tanya!"
"I Changed My Internal Narrative to an Empowered One"

Ellie, Israel
"Tanya provides a safe space and takes an introspective approach. She asks relevant questions that allow you to reconsider the narrative you are telling yourself. She also empowers and inspires you to take practical steps towards making the changes that serve you and take action toward achieving your goals.
If you value self growth and results, I highly recommend Tanya is an incredible coach to have in your corner, offering guidance, empowerment and support!"
If You Are Feeling a YES In Your Heart and Body...
The Time Is Now, Precious One.
Why let more days, months, years slip by putting off living your life fully and stepping into your gifts and power?
How long have you been saying that “soon” you will put yourself first and give the dream in your heart the attention it deserves?
My 1:1 Coaching Program has limited space and is open for enrollment just a few times per year for a few special soul-aligned clients.
Is that you?
Take The Leap Your Heart and Soul is Guiding You To.
I'll Meet You There...
Book A Complimentary Coaching Discovery Call