It’s one thing to *talk* about your products and services like they’re the best thing ever.
It’s one thing to learn all of the marketing and sales hacks and tactics to sell what you do and call the clients in.
…It’s another thing altogether to actually DELIVER what you promised, and even exceed client expectations.
In my event consulting, one of the things I feel is unique about me and my approach is the strong focus on delivering EPIC experiences.
Here are a few tips for events and creating epic experiences:
Tip #1 — Follow your highest excitement and make it epic for YOU first and foremost
What truly sells and is absolutely magnetic is your energy, conviction and enthusiasm about your offer. So often I see people do what they think they “should” do or what “makes sense” rather than what they truly feel excited and inspired to create and share.
What sort of structure or offer are you excited about? It does not need to look like what everyone is doing. When you are totally and truly LIT THE F UP about your offer, it’s so much easier to sell and deliver with all your heart (aka make it an epic experience for others).
Tip #2 — Start with the end goal
Start by asking yourself… What is the EXPERIENCE I want to deliver? What do I want people to feel and walk away with? What do I myself want to experience with this offer?
One of the first things I like to think about is the ESSENCE or the vibe of what I’m creating (or even better said, what wants to be created through me!). Maybe it’s sacred, mysterious, focused on connection and sisterhood… Or perhaps it’s light, playful, accessible and empowering.
Infusing the offer with intention from the beginning and letting that lead the content, structure, marketing, messaging and more is a beautiful way to approach new creations.
Tip #3 — Focus on creating connection and community.
Humans want connection. A deeper connection to themselves, to each other and to something greater. In my experience, the number ONE thing that keeps people coming back again and again to the same event is community.
Having a sense of belonging in a like-minded community will do wonders for people, their growth and their happiness. When you, your event, or your program becomes the vehicle for clients to meet, connect and grow with THEIR people, you become priceless.Transformational events can be an ideal vehicle for connection and community.
Tip #4 — Weave in awe and wonder throughout multiple touchpoints
I call this sprinkling in magic dust and it’s one of the key things my events work has become known for. Turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, get creative, and relish in delighting and surprising your clients and guests throughout the journey.
There is SO much more to share around this topic but I’ll just plant these seeds for now ;)
If you want to dive DEEP into creating epic experiences for your clients in your live events or online programs, reach out! This is one of my absolute favorite topics to jam on!
Especially if you’re someone who is quite established in your events or business and now you’re ready to innovate and take things to the next level and could benefit from outside and fresh perspective with 10 years+ of event and experience design and curating what many people call “the best experience of my life.”
To EPIC experiences in life and biz,