Part Business, Part Magic

My approach as a spiritual entrepreneur is part business, part magic

The biz part of me climbed to 6-figures in corporate as a high-level exec for companies like NBC and Nike where I put clients on the map through major media placements, disruptive marketing campaigns & red carpet events. 

Part of this journey was living in New York, L.A, Miami & Kuala Lumpur working with VIP artists, athletes, celebs, authors & the biggest names in personal growth.

It also included...

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Step into your best self in 2022

Want to unleash your full potential? 

And your…






If that’s a YES, try this… 

Take some time to envision and connect with your highest self. You, at your absolute best and radiating in your female entrepreneurship. You, on your best day ever. You, when you are ROCKING life. 

Imagine how you… 










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What are you celebrating + calling in this New Year? ✨

What are you celebrating + calling in this New Year?

Rather than charging into the new year full of resolutions and lofty goals (that sometimes has not-no-motivating energy of needing to change or fix things) here's what I like to do instead...

If I first take time to reflect on the past year and acknowledge and celebrate my growth in female entrepreneurship! My milestones and highlights, I’m in a much better place to think of my desires and intentions for the new year from a...

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Your reality is created by the quality of your experiences.

Your reality is created by the quality of your experiences.

Any moment can become an experience.

A chat with a friend in a cafe can become an experience when you are deeply present and share from the heart with vulnerability and let yourself be seen and felt in your unpolished rawness.

An evening in with your love becomes an experience when you turn off Netflix and take turns whispering intimate desires and appreciations for each other by candlelight.

A walk on the beach becomes an...

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Quick Way to Deeper Conversation + Connection


Do you ever find yourself bored or checked out when in conversation with someone? 

For most of us, this probably happens more than we’d like. 

A few years ago, I found myself craving deeper connection and intimacy in my life. I had come to associate intimacy as something that comes from romantic relationships which only left me starving for it in periods of being single… This desire for deeper connection led me to study and eventually become a certified facilitator in...

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Why a Morning Practice Is The Best Thing Ever

I've found a morning practice to be one of the hidden keys to optimizing my day, mindset and energy. Over time, this daily practice or ritual has had a huge impact on the quality of my life. 

In this short video I talk a bit more about the importance of a morning practice. I actually prefer to call it a ritual than a practice to infuse it even more with intention. This is about building a foundational practice -- taking the first moments or hour of the day to go within and connect with...

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Why "Finding Purpose" is Wrong and What to do Instead

We're very often hearing or thinking that we need to "find our purpose." However that implies that our purpose is outside of you, separate to us. What if, instead, we can create our purpose? 

What is the meaning of life? Well, it's the meaning that we give it... 

I love this opportunity to reflect on what gives my life purpose and meaning and to take responsibility for creating more of it. This is so much more empowering than to think and feel my purpose is outside of me and...

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Feeling all the Feels to Move and Process Emotions

Our bodies hold every physical and emotional thing that has happened to us throughout our lives.  We store unexpressed or repressed emotions in the body as well. Over time, when we have trapped, stuck or stagnant energy and emotions this can lead to physical and emotional ailments.

There are 3 important tools available to us to move energy and emotion — breath, sound and movement. Used together, these are simple tools always accessible to us that can create physiological shifts in...

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Discover the Monetize My Magic Framework to Package Your Expertise Into an Online Coaching or Consulting Offer (even if it's your first time!)

SPECIAL BONUS included! Program Creation Template to map out your soul-aligned offer